What we do:

Wednesday 6:15-7:45pm
In club our 4yo to 4th grade students have an engaging Bible lesson using "Buck Denver asks what's in the Bible? Curriculum, play fun games, eat yummy snacks, and make themed crafts. CLUBB takes July and August off each year.
-Terri Rutowski our CLUBB director heads it up with the help of Deb Sullivan, Donna Labbe, and Val Kerwin.
Summer CLUBB

July 2024
Wednesday, July
3, 10, 17, 24, 31
All children 4 years through 4th grade are invited to Summer CLUBB.
This years program begins July 3rd and meets each Wednesday through the month of July. A permission slip is required for Summer Club. Please contact Sue Taylor if you need a permission slip.
*Special note about July 3rd - As a kick off the CLUBBERs will have a water fun night, so make sure to send appropriate clothing. A church wide dinner will also be served at 5:30 before classes.
For More info contact 231-362-3122
What we do:

Wednesday 6:15-7:45pm
In club our 4yo to 4th grade students have an engaging Bible lesson using "Buck Denver asks what's in the Bible? Curriculum, play fun games, eat yummy snacks, and make themed crafts. CLUBB takes July and August off each year.
-Terri Rutowski our CLUBB director heads it up with the help of Deb Sullivan, Donna Labbe, and Val Kerwin.
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