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What we are about:
We welcome anyone to utilize our food pantry.

Food Pantry
Open When Needed
We offer shelf stable goods, frozen meats, and a selection of paper products and toiletries. Our pantry does not have a specific open day , but we serve you at any time you are in need. Please call one of the numbers listed below to contact a pantry organizer.
Terri Rutowski 231-655-3457
Pastor Dave Taylor 231-499-1579
what we do:
Bear Lake United Methodist Church
7861 Main Street, Bear Lake, MI 49614
Serves 49613 and 49614 zip codes.
1st Thursday 9-11am 3rd Thursday 5-7pm
*3 rd Thursday pantry coincides with Community Table meal
Bethany Lutheran Church
14575 Wuoksi Ave., Kaleva, MI 49645
1st Friday 10am-noon
Marilla Food Pantry
(sponsored by Irons 7th Day Adventist Church)
Marilla Township Hall, 9991 Marilla Rd, Copemish, MI 49625
2nd Thursday 11am
Matthew 25:35 Food Pantry
St. Joseph Parish Center,
249 Sixth St., Manistee, MI 49660
2nd Friday 10am-noon
Manistee Senior Center
457 River St., Manistee, MI 49660
1st Friday Fresh Produce Bingo Pantry
every 3rd Friday 9-11am
Lakeview Church of the Brethren
14094 Coates Hwy., Brethren, MI 49619
Last Wednesday 9-11am
St. Joseph Catholic Church Onekama
8252 Fifth St., Onekama, MI 49675
4th Friday 10-11:30am
(Nov & Dec are scheduled for the holidays)
Manistee County Food Pantries BACN
(Benzie Area Christian Neighbors)
2804 Benzie Hwy, Benzonia MI 49616
Serves Benzie and northern Manistee Counties
Monday-Thursday 10am- 2pm
(please sign in by 1:30pm for service)
ECHO Manna Pantry
160 Memorial Dr. Manistee MI 49660
Monday & Friday 10am-2pm,
Wednesday 1pm-5pm
265 First Street, Manistee MI 49660
TEFAP Commodities 1st Thurs of March, June, Sept
and Dec CSFP Senior Commodities 2nd Wed
of even numbered months: i.e. Feb, Apr, Jun, etc
Manistee Friendship Society
1475 South US 31, Manistee MI 49660
Serves members of the Manistee Friendship Society
2 pantries and produce bingo each month
dates determined on monthly
*Feeding America Truck onsite see schedule

Manistee county food pantry list:
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